Nothing on Christmas

Nothing on Christmas

December first of all ending celebration. I dressed up in red ready to do my job, creative work.

I have always celebrate all holidays on my own. My family has always believe that it is pointless to do anything festive.

Worse of all is Christmas.

They believe that it is bad luck to them because their last name means “forest”. So Christmas is like deforestation.

I don’t believe it because there is an old woman always going to court suing the city about touching her trees. She got millions out of it.

No one can rebuild under her law sue. So the neighborhood is ugly.


Author: wailala n/a

I am relearning how to write...something else... most likely not here to inspire you ... because we all have hate. I forgot how I was born. Telling me to listen to songs of angles. Why do you Americans tell me I don't have Chinese Church? It has been hundreds of years of Chinese Church. You want to fight? We will see! If no body ever do anything about why Chinese people still go to Church in this World, not in your country only. My life.

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